Live Guideline

Genki Co., Ltd. (the Company) is grateful to those who wish to stream and post visuals of our published content to share their enjoyment with others.
The Company will not make any claims about copyright infringement as long as these guidelines are followed.

Only content owned or managed by the Company is covered under these guidelines.
Please obtain permission to use content owned by a third party from the appropriate owner.
We are not able to answer individual inquiries regarding the ownership of rights.
The copyrights to any gameplay videos belong to the Company or valid holders of rights.

There are no restrictions with regard to platforms as long as these guidelines are observed.
Note that separate guidelines, policies, and other documents may be established for specific types of content.
In such cases, the separate guidelines should be prioritized.
Please be aware that we cannot answer inquiries concerning whether content is prohibited.

These guidelines are intended for individuals, including sole business proprietors.
Please contact us if you are affiliated with or contracted with a company related to the video content creation and artistic production or an agency.


  1. Posts of unedited videos that do not add impressions or commentary to our visuals or unedited live streams without impressions or live commentary are not permitted.
  2. Separate distribution of audio, such as background music isolated from visuals, is not permitted
  3. Please indicate “contains spoilers” or the like for any streams of content related to story elements.
    Be considerate of everyone who enjoys our content.
  4. Monetization using the official features provided by streaming platforms, such as YouTube’s Partner Program, is acceptable. However, charging for access, selling videos, and other activities to profit in other manners are not permitted.
  5. The streaming or posting of content not yet officially released by the Company or of video or other leaked pre-release content is not permitted.
    However, the Company may request a company or an individual to stream or post pre-release content.
  6. The streaming or posting of the Company’s content in a manner that is offensive to public standards of decency and morality is prohibited.
     Furthermore, the Company does not permit streaming or posting content with the goal of making political or religious statements or any other content that the Company has judged to be inappropriate.
  7. The streaming and posting of content that violates the privacy of or harms the reputation of the Company or a third party is not permitted.
  8. The promotion of streamer videos as official Company content is not permitted.
  9. The following copyright notice should be indicated in any posted content.
    © Genki

Important Notes

  • These guidelines do not indicate the provision of any kind of guarantee from the Company.
  • The Company is not responsible for any content of streamers. The Company shall not bear any responsibility if a streamer is sued or faces a claim from a third party.
  • The Company may exercise its judgment to request a streaming platform to delete a post or take other measures
  • These guidelines do not permit or imply the transfer of intellectual property rights or any such intent.
  • These guidelines may be changed without prior notice. Please check these guidelines regularly.